Haas Products for Repair or Exchange
CNC Service Company is your premier full-service Haas drives repair company. We repair and exchange Haas servo amps and vector drive units so that they’re good as new. If the part number you are looking for is not in our database, you can contact us to find it. We will be happy to research the availability of our Haas motor driver products and suggest alternative service options. Our team of experts can help you with your HAAS vector drive repairs and exchanges to ensure your machinery stays up and running with little to no delays. You can review our Haas product line below.
Model: 93-32-5559E
HAAS 20HP Vector Drive
$1700 - Exchange
$1350 - Repair
24hr Rush + $250
Model: 93-32-5558E
HAAS 40HP Vector Drive
$2150 - Exchange
$1650- Repair
24hr Rush + $350
Model: 93-69-1000
HAAS 20/15HP Vector Drive
$1700 - Exchange
$1350 - Repair
24hr Rush + $250
Model: 93-69-1010
HAAS 40/30HP Vector Drive
$2150 - Exchange
$1650 - Repair
24hr Rush + $350
Model: 32-5550
HAAS - 30A Servo Amp
$650 - Exchange
$500 - Repair
Model: 32-3551
HAAS - 45A Servo Amp
$750 - Exchange
$600 - Repair

Model: 93-32-5560
HAAS 60HP Vector Drive
$3000 - Exchange
$2500 - Repair
24hr Rush + $450

Model: 93-69-1020
HAAS 60/50HP Vector Drive
N/A Exchange
$2500 - Repair
24hr Rush + $450

Model: 32-4015
HAAS - 30A Servo Amp
$650 - Exchange
$500 - Repair
Model: GPD503-DS307
HAAS - 5HP Spindle Drive
$1000 - Repair
Model: GPD503-DS308
HAAS - 7.5HP Spindle Drive
$1250 - Repair
Model: GPD503-DS309
HAAS - 10HP Spindle Drive
$1500 - Repair
Model: CIMR-F7U2011
$1000 - Repair